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Corporate status
TumorGen, is a C-corporation, registered in the State of Delaware as of November 8, 2017.
Investing in therapies that fight metastasis offers a large market potential, as metastasis is the primary cause of death in cancer patients. Developing effective therapies to prevent the spread of cancer cells will lead to improved patient outcomes, increased survival rates, and higher demand for these treatments. Furthermore, preventing metastasis has the potential to reduce the cost of cancer care, making it a cost-effective solution for healthcare systems.
Contact us at info@tumorgen.net
Please check our Careers page for new open positions we would like to fill with people sharing our vision.
TumorGen is actively collaborating with the National Comprehensive Cancer Centers and other institutes of research excellence. Our focus is on developing anti-metastatic therapies to prevent cancer's spread which can be used as an adjuvant to treating the primary tumor.
The information provided within this website represents opinions and experiences which may not be in agreement with the original authors, their organizations or companies which have provided the original materials. The content is intended to be educational and any information provided should not be considered as medical advice, a clinical diagnostic result or a recommendation for specific treatment. Please consult with your personal physician prior to beginning any type of medical care related to a cancer diagnosis or other illness. Information contained within this website and the corresponding links are in some cases considered ‘forward looking statements’ and therefore may not be the current medical best practice. Never disregard, delay or avoid obtaining medical treatment or guidance from a licensed physician as a result of the information contained within this website. Some of the medical procedures, targeted therapies or diagnostic analyses may not be approved by regulatory agencies including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. No guarantees or assurances of medical outcomes can be assumed based on the information within this website.